What is the best TA strategy?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

ARm Level 1 Aircraft

This post will contain the Details of the Arm level one Aircraft. They are made by an aircraft plant. (Gasp!) Aircraft are very useful in TA where they can provide support for ships and ground troops.

Construction Aircraft: A fast moving Construction platform, it can traverse great distances quickly and construct an oversees colony without the need to make an Atlas and a Con. unit to take it there. However, they do have their flaws. They are vulnerable to AA fire and the worst part of it, There nanolathe makes things at such a slow pace some think it better just to make a Transport to send in a Regular con. unit. This is why you commonly see Con. Aircraft working in teams to make up for their lower nanolathe. When you have a large team of these you can actually make things EXTREMELY fast: My friend once made a Krogoth in 38 seconds with con. aircraft rushing it. All in all a good unit, make on maps that are mainly water or mountains. ****

Freedom Fighter: As the name explains, this is a fighter. A good aircraft, much superior to the Core Avenger. You will see alot of these on Cluster freak and several other maps. You should make this unit, however don't overdue it. It's only so good. Switch to Hawks as soon as possible. Also this unit is vulnerable to AA fire, so it's not an ideal escort fighter. Use to guard your base and chew up avenger formations, An FF can take on Avengers 2 to 1 and win. Counter with missile towers. ***

Thunder: ARM's level 1 bomber. This unit has a smaller payload than it's Core relative, but is faster and turns faster. This makes it the ultimate raiding aircraft. Also use a Peeper to scout out targets for it. once fond almost anything can be destroyed by 6 or 7 Thunders. These can also be used against Naval forces, but not as effective as Torpedo bombers are at this. Use wisely, as they are vulnerable to AA. Good raider, but doesn't have the power to compete with the Core EQ. so it lives in it's Shadow (hehehe) ***

Atlas: The Arm air transport. This unit will transport a single other unit to a location quite rapidly. It's great for expanding on cluster freak or Hundred Islands. BUT!!!!! do not use this to try and send an Army at the enemy base, u simply need to many atlas's and it takes to long to load and unload them all. Also, scout ahead to determine the location of enemy AA because the Atlas is EXTREMELY vulnerable to it. and if your Commy gets killed, u lose. Good unit, but don't try and use them while AA is at hand. ****

PEEPER: The arm scout plane, Known as "PEEPS" Good scouts, with a short Radar and high speeds. This aircraft is almost immune to AA via it's high speed. But, it's unarmed so it can;t be used to bomb things. What a pity. Also use peeps to get the general layout of the enemy base. Remember in war, information is your greatest ally, Alot of it will normally result in your victory, a lack of it will probably end with your defeat. *****


  1. So what does everyone think? To much for the Peeper, not enough for the FF? well ask me and i'll explain.

  2. I completely agree with you on the Peeper. Information is ammunition. In short: scout like its 1997. (It can be the difference between life and death. I know!) Also, good summaries for the conair and atlas. I might rate the Thunder four stars, but three is acceptable. Actually, I think three for the FF is fair. Its good... but not great, and has very limited uses.Overall, great summaries! (You didnt think Id argue with YOU of all people about aircraft, right? ;) )

  3. PH!!! Any new summaries in sight??

  4. i have the Arm vehicles almost ready, probably today or tomorrow.

  5. Thank goodness!!
    P.S. Handle those vehicles wisely- there are a lotta strong opinions about em! =)

  6. tis true.... but do u think that a jeffey deserves i or two stars? i mean they have "that" particular purpose, if u know what i mean. but i don't know if that earns it two stars or not

  7. I would say 2 stars, MAYBE 3. THe Jeffy is good raider, its just that the Flash is SO good... Anyway, I wouldn't give it a 1. 1 is for units like the Sumo, Mobile radar, Pyro, mine layer, spy kbot, and AKs. I would say 2 stars.
