What is the best TA strategy?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Part 2 of the epicer one

Alex felt relieved as they safely exited the galactic gate. It wasn't that departing a gate was unreliable, it was how that got tricky. Formerly, one might exit the gate upside-down, backwards, head first, or even be ejected from the gate at a speed excess of 100 kilometers per hour while spinning at an uncontrollable rate. Thankfully, some genius had figured out that if you arrayed several artificial gravitational beams around the gate, that you would normally come out with the correct orientation. Still you never could tell when something could go wrong. As Chris exited the gate and the void vortex shut down, Alex turned to face the base. He was stunned by the massive size of it. All three of the Cadets stood for a few moments starring at the rows of factories, more than a dozen fusion reactors, 8 moho metal makers, rows of defender missile towers, and a scattering flakkers, with guardians lining the coast. Davenport just shook his head and smiled. "Come on boys, we got work to do," and strode of in between two advanced K bot labs toward the center of the base where a commander stood surrounded by 4 T1 airplants. Alex turned to follow him, "hes right, we better hurry up." "Wouldn't want to keep the Core waiting now would we?" Joren agreed. They set off after Davenport, the ground shaking at their footfalls. Commander Davenport was waiting with Colonel Hail at the center of the base. "So I here you boys get to take out a Core outpost, eh?" She asked. "Yes Ma'am," Chris said. "Well at least there's enough of you this time," she said with a wink. This time? Alex thought. "Well I'll hand over command of some units to you, just what do you want to take with?" Hail asked.

"We should only need 4 Atlases...." "of course you do," the Colonel cut him off, "but I think that some peepers might help, yes? With a pair of freedom fighters for good luck." Alex looked down at his HUD which flashed him that a Atlas air transport and two Freedom fighters had been transferred to him. It appeared that Chris and Joren had both gotten an Atlas and a squad of Peeper scouts, however Commander Davenport only received an Atlas from her. "Best of wishes to you." Colonel Hail said, and strode of to guard an advanced air plant in the distance.

* * * * *

The Atlases flew towards the landing zones while the sun rose in the distance. Davenport smiled in his commander mech, "Alright boys, its time to have some fun." Alex quickly agreed, "yes sir, should we scout the enemy base?" "No, we don't want them to figure out we're here yet, trust me, its not fun rushing out AA while shadows bomb the crud out of you." "yes sir." Alex felt the huge metal grips of the Atlas release him, and immediately began making a solar generator he had just finished and was beginning construction on a metal extractor when he heard Davenport's voice yelling at him; "Alex, what the heck is that." "Um, what sir?" "A solar generator? HERE? make tidal generators or I will personally tear your head off, never ever make solar plants unless there isn't any tidal and wind is giving you less than 12 units of energy, clear?" "yes sir." Alex walked into the water and began creating a series of tidal generators to support his metals. Once these were done he began construction of a sea plant, and opened communications to his friends. "I'm going sea." Chris replied, "air," and Joren informed them that he was going to go for advanced units and would provide economic support for them. Surprisingly Davenport logged in; "I'm just gonna watch for the most part but Ill give support if needed."

* * * * *
After about 8 minutes, Davenport got a Tier 2 vehicle plant and got up advanced radar. He immediately qued his radio: "they know were here." The statement was a response to 3 radar dots that matched the speed of CORE Fink class scout planes moving straight at his base. His suspicions were confirmed as the Finks flew overhead before being shot down by a battery of 18 defender missile towers. Soon after the scouts, two shadow class bombers flew into his base and destroyed a metal extractor. The Extractor was easily rebuilt, but the raid was still annoying. Suddenly he noticed nearly 20 slow moving dots on his radar. "what the?" then his eyes widened. He qued a Phalanx mobile flak gun from his advanced vehicle plant and ran over to rush it. He also ordered a new line of defenders from his T1 con vehicles and ordered his 2 new advanced cons to create a Flakker, and he soon saw his economy put in a significant strain. It wouldn't matter though unless he survived. Davenport saw he wouldn't finish either Flak weapon in time, although 2 additional defenders had been added, and began walking towards the water. At that moment, 20 Rapier gunships flew into his line of sight and decimated his base. Dozens of missiles flew threw the air, killing both Rapier and Defender alike. In the end though, the T2 planes were victorious and the 8 surviving gunships turned to incinerate the ARM commander, but he was already disappearing beneath the waves. Three missiles hit his commander, but it's huge armor took the hits without a problem. Davenport looked up, relieved that the gunships hadn't hit him. The 5 Snake class CORE subs hiding beneath the surface did however.
* * * * *

Alex gulped, not only at the death of their mentor that caused the Commander class suit to go Nuclear, but it was the display of Tactics involved in the destruction that was even more disturbing. That was to Intelligent for an Automated base defense program. Their was an enemy commander on the battlefield.