What is the best TA strategy?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Alliance

The Reagan lay in the middle of the pacific, five escorts surrounding her, pinging their sonar, searching for enemy subs. On board the Reagan three men sat around a wooden conference table deep in discussion. One of them was Admiral Peter gerjing of the United states, The other two were supreme commander Caladan of the Australian remnant, and General Vladimere of Russia. Vladimere looked around the room, "dis is a ship you have here Admiral Veter, I am surprised that she is still in such good shape despite ze war." "Thank you General," Peter said, "but I am afraid that we have business to attend to." "yes," Caladan growled, "and I want to get this treaty signed as quickly as possible." "I am sure that you do Caladan," Peter replied, "so lets get down to it. As you can see," Peter pointed to a map with several areas marked red on it, "The war between the Two factions of ARM and CORE have wiped out much of our population and military equipment, Making us weak and causing us to pick and choose which areas we have to protect. As a result many more civilians have died and this one side, the CORE, has spread over vast portions of the planet. Until recently, we believed that the Core had had enough and was withdrawing. Now we know the truth. You see the Core actually can not afford to let our planet slip away from them, because it turns out that this is one of the few remaining solar systems whose resources remain almost completely intact. The Gas giants of our system remain full of fuel for Space craft and vehicles, our asteroids and mars remain full of metal, and for a reason for which we do not know the Core has been showing an increasing interest in mercury. So while we thought they were falling back they were actually building this." Peter tapped a button on the table and a picture appeared on a TV screen. Vladimere gasped, "vat is dat?" he asked. Peter spoke, "That was taken from a spy plane 32 hours ago, and the Core unit in the center there is called a Krogoth. According to some information the CIA managed to intercept they are almost indestructible, with enough weapons to destroy half an army." Peter's eyes twinkled. "Or at least half of one of our armies,
if we combine our forces, and only if, we will be able to survive, but if we don't, we will die. So Peter said do we combine our troops and save ourselves from total annihilation, or will we be destroyed and the earth with us?" The other two seemed to freeze for a minute before Caladan said, "we will fight to the death." Vladimere nodded and murmured, "for Earth." "For Earth" the others said, there faces determined and there spirits full of hope.

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