Con. Vehicle: An AWESOME unit, high speed, high nanolathe, its just better than the Con. bot.
i will make about 5 of these early game to go out and cap metal deposits and make Missile towers. very versatile i highly recommend using this as your primary con unit.*****
JEFFEY: Arm scout vehicle. there is only one way to put this: They stink. Please, make peepers instead, they are faster and have radar, but a jeffey just goes around and gets shot full of holes. However, there is one, and ONLY one, good reason to use these guys, when FLASH dashing your enemy, make a few of these cheap units to make it seem like u have more FLASHES on Radar. Fear can be a better weapon than a nuke. As long as your enemy is going: What if?!?!? then u have an advantage. Counter with anything.**
FLASH: ARM "fast assault tank" It's basically like Chris Taylor took a PEEWEE, but it in a tank body, put a little more power to it's EMGs and, Made it faster, gave it heavier armor, and then asked God to bless it to be Awesome. The FLASH is arguably the best unit in TA, and the closest thing to perfect that man has ever made. Some players say that these are "cheap" units and are bad because they don't allow for late game battles because the player who has them first wins. Basically the best way to use flashes are to early game rush someone, plow through their base, surround their commander, and then inflict enough damage to cause the commander to have a severe case of the "Death." This is a catastrophic sickness that makes the commander explode with a force more powerful than a Nuclear Bomb. Also, flashes can be used late game, but typically against other tanks rather than infantry, (the Peewee trick vs. Heavy tanks can also be used with flashes). AWESOME unit, thank you Chris!!!! make as many flashes as it seems fit. counter with: Cans, gunships, and Flashes and samsons of your own. *****
Podger: ARM mine layer. Slow, useless, dumb, and it's mines just take up space on the unit limit. Do not make*
Stumpy: Medium TAnk. This is a unit without a place, it's cannon powerful, but it misses all of the time, it lives in it's little brother's shadow, only good for base busting.***
SAMSON: The arm missile vehicle. Fun to use and easy to make, shoots down aircraft, and kills land units easily when used en mass. do not use by itself though, all ways make many of them, good for gaining large amounts of territory. Good unit. Make lots of these. counter with your own samsons or DTed mobile artillary.*****